Wimmera Mallee Tourism Nhill Streetscape Masterplan

Published on 15 March 2021

Wimmera Mallee Tourism have engaged Ballarat based consulting company Thomson Hay Landscape Architects to deliver a Nhill Streetscape Masterplan as part of a broader series of masterplans across the Wimmera Mallee tourism region.

The Masterplan is looking at effective ways provide greater links between the Nhill shopping precinct (Goldsworthy Park), Jaypex Park and Nhill Lake along with beautification of these areas. The outcomes of the masterplan will aim to provide greater visitor attractions and longer stays in Nhill leading to more visitor spend at our local shops, hospitality services and attractions.

Thomson Hay are currently developing a draft plan which will be available for a period of public comment once released. Reflecting the complexity of the region-wide project and tight project timeframe, this public comment period will be relatively short, however Council will inform the community of the draft’s proposed release date as soon as we are informed by the consultants.

Hindmarsh Shire Council Mayor, Ron Ismay said “Council thanks Wimmera Mallee Tourism for this masterplan initiative. The Nhill Streetscape Masterplan will provide a strong document for leveraging funding for the implementation of the plans recommendations leading to greater visitor spend and continuing to strengthen the visitor economy”.

For more information, please contact Jeff Woodward, Tourism and Economic Development Officer, on 03 5391 4444 or email jwoodward@hindmarsh.vic.gov.au.

Greg Wood
Chief Executive Officer