Proposed Sale of 41 Victoria Street, Dimboola

No longer on display. Expired on 06 October 2023, 05:00 PM


Council resolved on Wednesday 30 August 2023, its intention to dispose of the following asset:
Address: 41 Victoria Street, Dimboola (Dimboola Senior Citizens Centre)
Zoning: Commercial 1 Zone.
Planning Overlays: Environmental Significance ESO (ESO6), Heritage Overlay HO (HO34)

Map of Dimboola Senior Citz.png

Under Section 114(2) of the Local Government Act 2020, Council must:
Before selling or exchanging the land, the Council must—

(a)   at least 4 weeks prior to selling or exchanging the land, publish notice of intention to do so—

(i)    on the Council's Internet site; and
(ii)   in any other manner prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this subsection; and

(b)   undertake a community engagement process in accordance with its community engagement policy;
(c)   and obtain from a person who holds the qualifications or experience specified under section 13DA(2) of the Valuation of Land Act 1960 a valuation of the land which is made not more than 6 months prior to the sale or exchange.

Council is now seeking feedback on the proposal to sell the Dimboola Senior Citizens Centre land and building, and submissions can be made via email, post or hardcopy presentation to Council as following:

Proposed Sale of asset – 41 Victoria St, Dimboola (Senior Citizens Centre)
Hindmarsh Shire Council
92 Nelson Street | PO Box 250
Nhill VIC 3418  

Submissions will close by 5pm on Friday 6 October 2023, which will then lead to Council considering submissions, potentially with a public hearing leading to a decision on the proposed sale at a future public Council meeting. Submitters should indicate if they wish to be heard publicly at any hearing of submissions.

Greg Wood
Chief Executive Officer