Plans and Strategies

Nhill Townscape and Lake Masterplan

2021 Nhill Townscape and Lake Masterplan (FINAL)(PDF, 8MB)

A Nhill Townscape and Lake Masterplan was developed in 2021. The project vision for Nhill is to enhance pedestrian and visual connections between the Town Centre, Jaypex Park and Nhill Lake, with a focus on encouraging visitors to stay and explore the town.

Gender Equality Action Plan

Gender Equality Action Plan(PDF, 9MB)

This Gender Equality Action Plan (GEAP) is an organisational commitment to improving gender equality in the workplace. Workplace gender equality is achieved when people are able to access and enjoy the same rewards, resources and opportunities regardless of gender.

Our consultation process reflects the requirements set out in the Victorian Gender Equality Act (2020). As part of this process, our team consulted with, and sought input into, the development of the Gender Equality Action Plan from Hindmarsh Shire Councillors as its governing body, employees, and employee representatives.

The GEAP should be read in conjunction with Council’s Workforce Plan.

Climate Adaption Strategy 2024-2036

Climate Adaption Strategy 2024 - 2036(PDF, 9MB)

Hindmarsh Shire’s economy and its rural communities are strongly affected by changes in climate. Climate determines the health of broadacre agriculture and agribusiness supply chains and livability in the Shire’s towns, but we are also aware that the impacts of climate change can exacerbate existing inequalities and disadvantage.

The first Hindmarsh Shire climate adaptation strategy, prepared in 2012, warned that the future climate is predicted to be hotter and drier than it is today. Since that time, the climate in the Shire has been more favourable than either averages or climate change expectations would have predicted, albeit with some destructive weather events (such as intense periods of spring and summer rainfall impacting on transport infrastructure).

As the initial strategy was no longer current, Council commissioned Street Ryan to develop a revised and contextualised Climate Adaption Strategy to guide Council’s mitigation and resilience initiatives for a 12-year period.

This document presents a refresh of Hindmarsh Shire’s Climate Adaptation Strategy by summarising recent and long-term climate trends and the accepted outlook for future climatic changes. It presents practical strategies and actions for which Council can make a meaningful contribution in offsetting potential adverse impacts from climate change and severe climate events.

To view the previous Climate Change Adaption Strategy, click here: 
Climate Change Adaptation Strategy 2012(PDF, 12MB)

Fair Access Policy Action Plan

Fair Access Policy Action Plan(PDF, 281KB)

The Fair Access Policy Action Plan complements the Fair Access components of Council’s adopted Sports and Recreation Reserves Allocation, Use and Fair Access Policy (the Policy) that was adopted on 26 June 2024 and reflects the Fair Access Policy Roadmap, introduced by the Office for Women in Sport and Recreation in 2022.

The Fair Access Policy Roadmap aims to develop a statewide foundation to improve the access to, and use of, community sports infrastructure for women and girls. Local Councils were required to have this Policy (or equivalent) in place by 1 July – 1 October 2024. Council must also have an Action Plan to achieve the objectives of the Policy and the Fair Access Policy Roadmap. The Action Plan is built around the Fair Access Principles and is designed to meet the context of our sports and recreation clubs, opportunities and facilities.

Domestic Animal Management Plan 2021-2025

Domestic Animal Management Plan 2021-2025(PDF, 1MB)

The Domestic Animals Act 1994 (the Act) requires council to prepare a Domestic Animal Management Plan (plan) every four years.

The plan must set out a method for evaluating whether the animal management services provided by council are adequate to give effect to requirements of the Act and the Domestic Animal Regulations 2015.

The plan must also outline programs for the training of authorised officers along with programs, services and strategies to:

  • ensure that people comply with the Act, the regulations and any related legislation; and
  • minimise the risk of attacks by dogs on people and animals; and
  • address any over-population and high euthanasia rates for dogs and cats; and
  • encourage the registration and identification of dogs and cats; and
  • minimise the potential for dogs and cats to create a nuisance; and
  • effectively identify all dangerous dogs, menacing dogs and restricted breed dogs in that district and to ensure that those dogs are kept in compliance with this Act and the regulations; and
  • provide for the review of existing orders made under this Act and local laws that relate to the Council's municipal district with a view to determining whether further orders or local laws dealing with the management of dogs and cats in the municipal district are desirable; and
  • provide for the review of any other matters related to the management of dogs and cats in the Council's municipal district that it thinks necessary; and
  • provide for the periodic evaluation of any program, service, strategy or review outlined under the plan.

Onsite Wastewater Management Plan 2024-2029

Onsite Wastewater Management Plan 2024-2029(PDF, 2MB)

Effective treatment and management of domestic wastewater – principally consisting of water, sewage and other human-derived wastewater – is integral to managing risks to human health and the environment. Onsite Wastewater Management Systems (OWMS) that perform poorly can have a range of negative environmental, human health and amenity related impacts. This can involve discharging nutrients and pathogens into local drainage systems, waters, and creeks, causing boggy lawns and offensive odours, as well as a risk of illness following contact with effluent. Hindmarsh Shire Council plays an instrumental role in understanding and managing risks associated with OWMS that have a sewage flow rate below 5,000 litres a day.

This Onsite Wastewater Management Plan (OWMP) is a planning and management document that focuses on the Hindmarsh Shire Council’s understanding of the cumulative risks that OWMS presents in our municipality and shapes the Council’s activities in managing those risks now and into the future.

The identification and assessment of risks identified in this OWMP supports the development and implementation of actions to protect human health and the environment.

This OWMP was developed with input from relevant stakeholders and will help developers and regulators better appreciate the risks and steps Hindmarsh Shire Council is taking to protect human health and the environment.

2021 Workforce Plan

2021 Workforce Plan(PDF, 1MB)

The Workforce Plan aims to ensure that the goals and aspirations of the community as outlined in the Council Plan can be met by Council in the delivery of actions and services to the community.

This Plan aims to ensure that Council can best deliver the needs of the community, whilst ensuring a workforce plan is in place that has the skills, background and experience taking into account the challenges of the future.

Wimmera River Waterway Management Plan Dimboola

Wimmera River Waterway Management Plan Dimboola(PDF, 2MB)

The purpose of the Wimmera River Waterway Management Plan is to ensure the Wimmera River within the Dimboola locality is appropriately managed for the benefit of the environment, community, recreational users, traditional and abutting landowners. 

Wimmera River Discovery Trail Masterplan

Hindmarsh Trail Masterplan Report 2016(PDF, 4MB)

The primary goals of the Hindmarsh Trail (also known as the Wimmera River Discovery Trail) is to develop a trail along the Wimmera River from Dimboola to Four Mile Beach on Lake Hindmarsh.

Karen Community Plan

Karen Community Plan 2017-2021 - English(PDF, 6MB)
Karen Community Plan 2017-2021 - Karen(PDF, 6MB)

The Karen Community Plan 2017-2021 has been developed with substantial consultation across a wide range of stakeholders in the Nhill, Hindmarsh and wider Wimmera community. Aligning with the Hindmarsh Shire Council Plan 2017 – 2021, this plan will continue the long term strategic direction for Council to develop a thriving local economy through increased capacity and leadership within the Karen community of Nhill. 

The key aim of the Karen Community Plan 2017-2021 is to build on the actions of the 2014 plan and support the Karen community in increasing their access to settlement services at a local and regional level, developing their leaders with training and education opportunities, increasing employment opportunities through employment and business development and providing new opportunities in sport, recreation, arts and cultural activities.

Empowering the Karen community through continued learning, via training opportunities and mentoring support will see increased capacity throughout the Nhill and Hindmarsh community in areas such as hospitality, tourism, health and agriculture.

Previous Plans:

2014 Karen Community Plan - English(PDF, 3MB)
2014 Karen Community Plan - Karen(PDF, 8MB)

Nhill Aerodrome Masterplan

Nhill Aerodrome Master Plan 2019(PDF, 30MB)

Hindmarsh Shire Council (Council) are the owner and operator of Nhill Aerodrome and in August 2018 sought to review and update the Nhill Aerodrome Master Plan to outline the strategic direction for the aerodrome in the medium to long term.

Hindmarsh Sport and Recreation Strategy

Hindmarsh Sport and Recreation Strategy 2016(PDF, 3MB)

The Hindmarsh Shire Sport and Recreation Strategy (HSSR) has been developed to inform and support sustainable sport and recreation provision across the Shire. The HSSR details the role and nature of sport and recreation activity and seeks to address primary challenges and opportunities associated with community participation, asset planning and governance.

The report has been developed from:

  • Background strategy and data analysis;
  • Community and stakeholder consultation;
  • Community and association surveys;
  • Discussion with Hindmarsh Shire Councillors and personnel; and
  • Review of current and future projects and development plans.