Site 52 Lutheran Church

Site 52 Lutheran Church.png

33 - 35 Sands Avenue

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St John's Evangelical Lutheran Church was built with bricks manufactured at Jeparit.

The St John's Congregation was officially formed on Dec 14, 1890. The young congregation worshipped in members homes before a decision was made to build its own church.

Jeparit was selected for two reasons.  Firstly, it was a central location for members.  Secondly, land had been donated by John Peterson, an early identity in the town.

A contract for a 38ft x 19ft brick building was signed with the proviso that work was not to commence until the Jeparit brick kiln had manufactured enough bricks, and all other materials were on site!

No one is sure why, but when the brick walls had been laid to a height of between 3ft and 4ft, it was discovered that the builder had made a miscalculation. The width of the building was 22½ ft, 3½ ft wider than the plans had indicated. The result was a long delay as all roofing material had to be returned and longer timbers and iron obtained.

250 people attended the opening service, 150 of whom were seated inside.

By 1924, the church had become inadequate to accommodate the large numbers attending services. The building was demolished in 1924 to allow for the construction of a larger church that now stands on the site.

Disclaimer: All information contained on these pages has been prepared over years of research from a small local volunteer group. The information is correct to the best of our knowledge. We always welcome suggestions for corrections or further information to add to the heritage sites. Please forward any comments