Site 67B The Coursing Club

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Information sign at Menzies Square

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In the early days greyhound racing did not have fancy tracks or mechanised lures.

Established here in Jeparit in about 1914 they used live hares in a large paddock, the hare was released and two dogs let loose to chase the hare down. Points were allotted for speed and the turning ability of the dog and the winner went on to the next heat with other such dogs.

One story is remembered about a young lad who had a promising greyhound. He approached one of the local owner-trainers and informed him that his dog was “good”. The trainer disappointed the lad when he told him “good” was not good enough as they had to be “bloody good” to be any good. One owner trainer is said to have used a motorcycle to train his greyhounds.

Disclaimer: All information contained on these pages has been prepared over years of research from a small local volunteer group. The information is correct to the best of our knowledge. We always welcome suggestions for corrections or further information to add to the heritage sites. Please forward any comments to