Site 4 Mechanics Institute

site 4 Mechanics inst.png

40 Roy Street

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In 1891 a handful of resourceful citizens saw the need for a meeting hall. The Mechanics Institute was created at a public meeting on 13th February. A site was chosen in Roy Street alongside the Hindmarsh Hotel. When it was known the governor of the colony, the Earl of Hopetoun, was to pay a visit to Jeparit in 2 months’ time, the committee decided how they could take advantage of the visit.

With little money in hand and no plans yet drawn up they could see an opportunity. They would get the distinguished guest to lay a “foundation stone”.  A red gum block was dressed and sunk into the ground ready for the ceremony. It remained in front of the building until it was demolished.

Many months elapsed before the institute was built at a cost of 330 pounds ($660). A subscription library was added later and J. Hamill was appointed caretaker and librarian in 1896.

When the new Memorial Hall was built the Mechanics Institute was no longer needed. Chemist, Mr J.G. Anderson purchased the building and land, and in 1925 replaced the building with the present shop and residence.

Disclaimer: All information contained on these pages has been prepared over years of research from a small local volunteer group. The information is correct to the best of our knowledge. We always welcome suggestions for corrections or further information to add to the heritage sites. Please forward any comments to